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miércoles, 22 de julio de 2015

On my way to combustion with The Scene 2 + giveaway

I'm not joking. This is one hell of a fiery ride. Welcome to Miami ;o)


I was crazily anticipating this continuation of The Scene (my review of part one) because of the spectacular way the first part had ended. I was in knots to find out how Nikki would react to his devastating news, or if Xavier was really what he seemed.

I've been hooked from page 1 to the last bit as this turns out to be a suspenseful, gritty, scary criminal investigation.

Nicole's feelings of anxiety, paranoia and doubt over what she thinks she knows about her brother's death and the possible suspects are real and believable. She's torn between her desires and her fears.

I was totally absorbed by her mission to uncover the truth while she goes from threats to conspiracies to shady secrets. The narrative reflects all the drama, the mixed emotions, the fury of unfair loss, and the unbridled, angry, inevitable lust that cannot be denied no matter what the odds or the ugly truth.

I loved the sweet pleasure, and the hungry, erotic encounters that resembled animal couplings. 

As the plot gets more twisted and the dynamics between Nicole and Xavier get ever more explosive, I couldn't help but end up with my mouth wide open at the final turn. That's a motherf***er cliffhanger. Love-this-so-much!

The Scene Part 2
Series: The Scene #2
Author: Roxy Sloane
 Release Date: July 22, 2015

The one man I can’t stay away from is the man I swore to destroy.

I came to Miami determined to reveal the truth behind my brother’s death. Now I’ve discovered that Xavier is the crime king running this city — and I’m going to take him down - if I can keep my hands off him long enough to think straight.

I’m in over my head now, but there’s no going back.

Also Available



Roxy Sloane is a romance junkie with a dirty mind. She lives in Los Angeles with her hot ex-military hubby and her two kids. She loves writing sexy, complex stories about pushing the boundaries and risking it all.



Good luck, book buddies :o)

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