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martes, 5 de agosto de 2014

Blurred: a Connections series novella

I'm really, really in love with the covers of this series, guys, and I believe the storyline is right up my alley so that's why I jumped at the chance to give it a taste by reading a novella, Blurred. It wasn't exactly true love what I found. I'm not sure if all the novels are just like this, so I'm still hopeful that I'll find myself back in its good graces.


find the author Kim Karr

131 pages

The Man. His job puts him in danger. In order to protect the woman he loves, he feigns his own death. Now, he's back and she's lost to him forever.

Pretty good premise, right? That's what convinced me to read this long novella. That cover doesn't hurt either.

The writing. Once I delved into the reality of the story, it felt a little bit less dazzling to me. I expected drama, real emotion, lovers reunited in a battle of hurt and longing.

Instead, it's all about Ben. From his POV, he just goes on and on in excruciating detail about what he does every day, every minute of it. Don't get me wrong, it's a very realistic portrait of one's mind state going through the ups and downs of life. Sure thing he's been through a lot. Horrible loss, no job, true love of his life just out of reach. I really felt for his predicaments. I just didn't feel connected because it seemed as if he was a ghostly figure detailing his past life.

The perks. Finally, the man meets an old flame. A source of shame, but also of great passion. This helps carry the story along. It was fun to see them reacquaint. In between, he remembers what they shared in the past. That IS hot. He still manages to wreck things multiple times, but as it all reaches rock bottom, the intensity of the story goes up steadily.

The end wraps up nicely as several issues come to a kind of resolution. The criminal case that started the need for his fake death, Ben's emotional drift and his family situation. There is a shocking revelation that changes everything and opens up all kinds of possibilities for Ben. I'm sure he's got many things to do in the next novel. Even though I won't be there to know about them, I appreciate the author's commitment  to her character's psychology and hard, gritty, real-life attitude.


What about you, book buddies? Have you tried this series yet? Can you recommend it?

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