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miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2014

New Cover on the Premises: chica con intenciones + sorteo

No sé cuál de los dos es el más chulo, pero seguro que en cuanto dejemos de mirar van a liarse a un duelo de "mira qué pectorales más majos tengo" XD

Delirios aparte, Literarios, hoy se revela aquí la cubierta de DECONSTRUCTING LILA, de Shannon Leigh.

Preservationist Lila Gentry returns to her small Texas hometown to restore the famous Chisholm Trial whorehouse where her great-great grandmother was a madam in the 1880s. On her agenda is winning back Jake, the one that got away. But how do you rope a man who doesn’t want to be wrangled? 

Jake lives by one creed: Keep it simple. His ex showing up in town, and rehashing old feelings complicates his life and makes him think about things he's rather forget. When Lila’s restoration project is threatened before it even begins, she turns to Jake for help. 

Working together stirs up old feelings but while Lila and Jake always sizzle between the sheets – or wherever the moment takes them – it will involve some sweet-talking and finesse to bring these two together.

Entangled Link: http://bit.ly/1doCpCO


Lo más provocativo del tema no es que la pareja protagonista recuerde viejas pasiones, sino que Lila vuelve a su Tejas natal con la sanísima intención de restaurar un burdel que regentaba su tataratatarabuela. Sólo por conocer ese lugar valdría la pena leer este libro ;o)

¿Qué lugar os gustaría restaurar, Literarios?  

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