Pretty Dark Nothing posee una cubierta con un encanto siniestro, esos colores expresan suavidad pero también una oscura intención que promete peligro. Hoy se revela la cubierta de la segunda parte, aunque trae consigo una propuesta. ¡Aún le falta el título definitivo! Toca a los lectores votar por su favorito. ¿Qué os parece?
¿Pretty Dark Sacrifice o
Perfect Dark Sacrifice?
Se puede votar en el vínculo al que os llevará la palabra HERE en el texto más abajo.

Month9Books Presents a Cover Reveal and Title Contest for
Book 2 in Heather L. Reid's Pretty Dark Nothing Series.
Book 2 in Heather L. Reid's Pretty Dark Nothing Series.
Help Month9Books choose a title for the next book in the Pretty Dark Nothing series!

Book 2, a follow up to Pretty Dark Nothing, will be released this fall, and we need your help picking a title. Below are two covers, each with a proposed title for Book 2 on it. We can't call it "Book 2" forever, so please take a look and comment HERE to vote on which you like best. The winning title will be revealed at BEA 2014 and if you commented to vote and will attend BEA, Month9Books will give you a signed copy of the galley (limited to the first 20 commenters attending). Voting opens today and ends on Friday, March 14, 2014. Thanks to artist Christel Michiels for the amazing cover!
So, which do you like best?
Title choice 1:
Perfect Dark Sacrifice
Perfect Dark Sacrifice

Title choice 2:
Pretty Dark Sacrifice
Pretty Dark Sacrifice

Series: Pretty Dark Nothing
Author: Heather L. Reid
Publisher: Month9Books
Publication Date: September 2014
Author: Heather L. Reid
Publisher: Month9Books
Publication Date: September 2014
It’s been five weeks, two days, and eight hours since the demons forced Quinn to throw herself into the raging river, since Aaron sacrificed himself to save her, since he disappeared without a trace. No body, no sign of him at all. Everyone wants her to move on, but Quinn can’t. She’s convinced Aaron’s trying to contact her, but Azrael, her angel Sentinel, insists these visions are nothing more than the demons preying on her guilt, bent on distracting her from her true destiny as the reincarnation of Eve.With Aaron’s fate forever entwined with Quinn’s true Sentinel, Kaemon, they both find themselves prisoner of the underworld. For Aaron, death in the river would have been easier than ending up in Lilith’s dungeons.

Heather L. Reid has always had a sense of wanderlust and a belief in the paranormal. She eats mayonnaise on her fries, loves video games, and getting lost in a good story. This native Texan now lives with her Scottish hubby in South Ayrshire, Scotland, where she spends her weekends wandering the moors in search of the ghost of William Wallace and exploring haunted castles.
Her debut young adult Paranormal, PRETTY DARK NOTHING, will be released on April 23, 2013 by Month 9 Books.
¿Qué portada os gusta más, Literarios? Me encanta la segunda, es poética y tétrica a la vez, como una Ofelia fantástica, pero mi favorita sigue siendo la original de la serie.
Gracias por la info
ResponderEliminarQue bonitas las portadas*___*
ResponderEliminarNo conocíamos la saga, pero nos gusta más el título con "Perfect" y la segunda portada, muy Ofelia de Hamlet.