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miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2014

Entrevista a un autor con super poderes

Nuestro invitado de hoy tiene planta de villano de comic, o quizás de antihéroe con ideas libres sobre la salvación al prójimo. Sin embargo, tiene uno de los mejores trabajos del mundo. ¡ES ESCRITOR! Y como quería conocerle mejor, le hice una entrevista.

 K.S. Fish  

Tell readers about Conception in a couple of sentences.

    It's more than meets the eye.  Though it might appear like an action adventure with super powers on the outside,  its characters are faced with real issues and horrible decisions to make.  Some handle them well. Others, not so much.

Cuéntanos un poco sobre Conception. Es más de lo que parece. Aunque semeja una aventura de acción con súper poderes, los personajes se enfrentan con situaciones reales y deben tomar decisiones terribles. Algunos lo llevan bien. Otros no tanto.

How would superpowers affect the world we live in?

    It would profoundly change the world we live in.  For good or bad?  Who's to say?  I guess that would depend on who had the powers.
    I know one thing, if there were superpowers  we would hunt down and try to kill anyone that had any.  We as humans are VERY sensitive to anything we think has the potential to hurt us.

¿Cómo afectarían a nuestro mundo los súper poderes? Lo cambiarían profundamente. ¿Quién puede saber si para bien o para mal? Supongo que eso dependería de quién poseyera esos poderes.
Sí sé que si existieran los súper poderes, daríamos caza y eliminaríamos a quienes los tuviesen. Los seres humanos somos muy sensibles respecto a todo aquello que tenga el potencial de perjudicarnos.

What superpower would you choose for yourself?

   Hmm.  The ultimate question.  I would have to say probably the ability to heal myself.  Though there is something extremely appealing in telekinesis.

¿Qué súper poder elegirías? Mmm, la gran pregunta. Creo que me decantaría por la capacidad de curarme a mí mismo. Aunque la telequinesis tiene algo extremadamente irresistible.

What role does ambition play in this novel?

     Ambition plays a big role.  The ultimate ambition: to become a god.  Most of us can't even fathom that kind of power. These seven characters were created for this purpose and STILL have a hard time dealing with it.

¿Qué papel juega la ambición en esta novela? Tiene un papel primordial. La mayor ambición de todas es convertirse en un dios. La mayoría no puede ni imaginar esa clase de poder. Siete personajes fueron creados con este propósito y aún así les resulta duro enfrentarse a esta circunstancia.

Do you have any writing rituals?

     Not really.  I make myself write every day.  Monday through Friday.  The weekends I take off unless something is REALLY calling to me or I'm at the end and can't stop.  (I once wrote for 26 hours straight,  barreling down the rugged hill towards the finish line.

¿Tienes algún ritual de escritura? En realidad, no. Me obligo a escribir a diario. De lunes a viernes. Me tomo libre el fin de semana a menos que algo me llame de verdad o esté a punto de terminar y no pueda parar. En una ocasión, escribí 26 horas seguidas esforzándome hasta que puse el punto final.

What are your writing goals for 2014?

     That's a big question.  Conception is being translated into Spanish (March), German, French, and Chinese.  Then Battle for Earth,  book 2,  will follow  suit.  My kid's series,  The Adventures of Emily Funderbunk, will see the second book The First is the Worst,  out soon,  it's already written and at the artist's.  (The first,  Turtle Soup, is available
     On top of that,  I'm writing a new novel about an old crime boss and his stories... and I'll probably start Ascension,  the final book in The  Dominion Chronicles towards the end of the year.  Whew...  I better get busy!  :-)

¿Cuáles son tus metas literarias para 2014? Una pregunta de órdago. "Conception" será traducida al español (marzo), alemán, francés y chino. Le seguirá el segundo libro, Battle for Earth. Tengo una serie infantil, Las aventuras de Emily Funderbunk, cuya primera parte es Turtle Soup (saldrá pronto) y la segunda, The First is the Worst, ya está escrita y en manos de los artistas.

Además, estoy escribiendo una nueva novela sobre las historias de un viejo criminal. Lo más probable es que a finales de año empiece Ascension, el libro final de The Dominion Chronicles. Uff, será mejor que me ponga ya a ello.

K.S. Fish
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(On sale for a limited time at Amazon for just $0.99)

When twelve-year old Tyler Hudgens wakes up in the courtyard, he's buried up to his neck with twenty other screaming, terrified kids. Welcome to Frazier's compound, a place where Tyler and a chosen few will unlock powers in themselves that they could only dream about. Frazier has a plan to turn them into gods, and the only price is the death of 2.5 million people. When a schism occurs in their group, they're all flung into a battle that will test their loyalties and ultimately decide the fate of the world.

David "Whitey" Jones is a brand new reporter, and through chance or fate, he's given the Tyler Hudgens case, a story no one else wanted. As Whitey digs for leads, he discovers The Moby Dick of all news stories; a riveting tale of mad scientists, telekinesis, and betrayal. With his eye on the Pulitzer, Whitey dives into a whole new world that may give him everything he ever wanted; or take his life.
The world's future hangs in the balance, and a new world waits in the wings, on the brink of Conception.

K.S. Fish  was born in San Diego, California. Though he was a single child growing up, he was lucky enough to have worlds upon worlds of brothers and sisters bumping around in his brain. His first short story was inscribed on his mother’s uterus. However, for much of his youth, he strove to make every wrong possible choice for his life. Subsequently, it was many years until he was able to realize his gift and begin to hone his skill as a writer. His first book, Conception, amazed readers with its character driven narrative and exciting storyline. K.S. Fish resides in Georgia with many friends, his goldfish Barney, and a lifetime’s worth of stories to tell.


Nada menos que enterrados hasta el cuello aparecen los protagonistas de esta novela sobre la ambición del ser humano por desencadenar los poderes latentes de jóvenes con la capacidad de convertirse en dioses entre mortales. Un periodista sigue la pista a esta organización que va a poner el futuro del mundo en jaque. Si os apetece saber cómo acaba, podéis participar en el sorteo de 5 libros electrónicos.

¿Qué súper poder os gustaría poseer, Literarios? A mí me gustaría poder volar, o quizás cantar ópera a dos voces.

1 comentario:

  1. No conocíamos el libro ni al autor, pero nos ha llamado la atención la sinopsis y la entrevista :)
