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martes, 5 de noviembre de 2019

Oopsie Daisy for fun

Hi, book buddies ☺ This cute cover belongs to a steamy rom-com that will make you smile and swoon in equal measure. 

Oopsie Daisy: A Steamy Romantic Comedy

Iris Morland


Charming and cute. Steamy too! I was eager to meet the third sister in the series because apparently she'd managed to end up pregnant by an Irish hottie. That had to be captivating. 

This couple’s plight is really entertaining and endearing too.

Accidental pregnancy is one trope I usually enjoy, and here it comes with funny dialogues, incendiary chemistry and a man who doesn’t believe he can love a woman as she deserves. Engaging plot twist! 
The characters seem to be opposites, though their field of scientific research is the same and that bodes well. Even better, they indulge in fantastic lovemaking. 

Kate is smart, witty and a magnet for messy situations. Lochlann is a workaholic and a professor who happens to be her only one-night stand and her baby daddy. 

It all starts really funny until it develops more into serious territory as the pregnancy awakens certain issues. Reputation, academic life, how they will cope when the baby is born. It is all very valid and their differences and fears collide to make the story more emotional. Love seems to be impossible for them, but luckily the bumps in the road give way to the real baby bump that changes their hearts and their lives. I loved how they showed their feelings for each other in the end, and the epilogue is deliciously romantic 💓

Releasing November 5

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My professor gave me my first D.
Now my next assignment is due…in nine months.

You know when you meet your new professor, and he ends up being the same man you had a one-night stand with three months ago?

Okay, maybe not. Let me explain.

I hadn’t intended to sleep with my professor. I might be known as the impulsive, prankster daughter in my family, but I’m not insane. I just wanted to have some fun in Ireland at my sister’s wedding, and maybe lose my virginity, too.

When I met Lochlann Gallagher at a pub one night, I couldn’t resist him. He was hot, Irish, and entirely set on seducing me. One unforgettable night under the sheets with him, and my V-card went up in smoke.

Well, that night had one itty bitty consequence because Lochlann totally made my eggo preggo.

And if this story isn’t crazy enough, Lochlann is not just my baby daddy: he’s now my professor and my advisor for grad school.

Somehow we have to figure out a way not to reveal this rapidly gestating secret while resisting the explosive attraction between us.

Except there’s just one more complication to this story: I think I’m totally falling for my baby daddy.

Oopsie daisy.


Website: www.irismorland.com

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BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/iris-morland

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