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lunes, 1 de julio de 2019

Cover Time : this is Red the Leviathan

Cover Time! Hi, book buddies ☺ It is always exciting to share a new cover, and this one is original and stimulating 😉


RED: THE LEVIATHAN by L.F. Koraline 
Release Date: July 25th
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Would you fear death if you were Juliet and
 you met your Romeo?

In exactly seven months, five days, and a few hours Snow White will be walking down the aisle on the arm of her father, Walter White - the front-runner for next president of the United States of America. 

Her fate - to be married to the rich and famous Dr. Barry Lawrence - has been sealed since the day she was born.
Her future's all mapped out, but suddenly, during a trip to sunny Tennessee with her best friend Brenda, a man with golden hair turns her life upside down.

He's the Leviathan, on every woman's lips, the nameless, rough, and lonesome cowboy whom they all desire.
But he's the king of contradictions. He sleeps with a wild wolf on one side of the bed, and Shakespeare's Macbeth on the other. He's as wild and untamed as his black stallion, yet plays the violin like a professional and recites Shakespeare like the poet himself. 
Nothing will ever be the same for Snow after the Leviathan demands to see her every night... at midnight.

Between unbridled instincts, wild passion, and difficult choices, she'll have to decide whether to surrender to her fate or write her own fairytale ending...

This is the story of Snow White and her Leviathan.
About the mastermind: 
L. F. Koraline is a romance author.
She lives with her husband, dogs, cats, turtles and many tropical fishes.
With the Newton Compton Editori, has published five novels (the 703 SERIES).
RED - THE LEVIATHAN is a stand alone novel. 
The romance Readers describe it as "a passionate modern fairytale" and appreciate the inspiration drawn from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet as well as characters reminiscient of Beauty and Beast.
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