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lunes, 1 de julio de 2019

A new word for a new kind of booty call love

Hi, book buddies ☺ I love novellas, and I recently started reading these fabulous short stories by Frankie Love and C. M. Seabrook. They are smutty and adorable. 

Synopsis of BOOTYOGOMY 

Bootyogomy [boo-tee-ag-uh-mee] noun: exclusive booty call with only one person at a time
The place: Hot Wheels Roller Rink
The girl: Kendall a.k.a my lifelong crush
The soundtrack: 80's music
The problem: She's my best friend's sister
The solution: BOOTYOGOMY
This summer Kendall and I throw out the cliched no-strings-attached deal and made our own pact.
We call it Bootyogomy.
An exclusive booty-call.
She thinks I'm in it for the hook-up, but she has no idea.
This girl is my world and it's time to make her mine.
Dear Reader,
Max Major is a cop who looks mighty fine in a uniform!
That butt tho!
And if he's bringing the handcuffs, we'll commit the crime.
One of you readers will bail us out, wontcha?
Xo, Frankie and Chantel

Goodreads - http://bit.ly/2Nn9oQb


What a playful start to a totally delightful romance. 
Who is he? The gruff cop who's harbouring a deep desire for his best friend's sister.
What does she do? She tempts him with an offer of lust and no-strings attached.
I loved this so much! It's sassy, cute, very arousing, and of course heat turns into a lot more when this couple cannot deny their feelings any longer. 
Kendall and Max are opposites in almost everything, and that's something I like. It works to perfection when they're exchanging vows in a very sweet, fun and endearing scene. Lovely storytelling, too.

This is a short story that feels really good.

Start a chapter from Max's point of view
Music thumps and multi-colored lights flash, turning Hot Wheels Roller Rink into something that looks like a 1980s movie. The place just opened last month, and it’s the first time I’ve seen what Kendall and her friends did to the place.
It’s pretty impressive.
And tonight, it’s jam-packed. A private party to celebrate the official opening.
A hand slaps down on my shoulder, and a beer is placed in my hand. Grady grins at me. “Thanks for coming. I know this isn’t really your scene. But I know Kendall will be glad you came.” He shakes his head and looks around. “I thought my sister was crazy when she told me about re-opening this place, but man, it’s actually pretty cool.”
I didn’t have any doubt it would be. Because whatever Kendall puts her mind to, she always achieves it - even if it means breaking a hundred and one rules in the process.
Me, on the other hand, I live my life by the rules. Even before I joined the police force, my life was about order, about black and white.
Kendall, she lives her life multi-colored.
I catch a glimpse of her now, up on the DJ platform, blonde ponytail bobbing as she listens to something on one headphone, then says into the mic, “Who’s ready to party?”
The crowd cheers and plastic glasses are raised as Cyndi Lauper’s “Girls Just Want to Have Fun” begins playing over the speakers. I can’t help the smile as Kendall steps off the platform and skates toward us.
She’s wearing striped knee-high socks and a pair of tight, yellow shorts that show off her long legs. And when she sees me, those blue eyes light up, and she smiles, causing a deep dimple to form in her right cheek.
God, the woman is hot.
And she’s like a sister to you, the still functioning part of my brain reminds me. Not to mention that Grady would have my balls if he ever knew the thoughts I’ve had of her.
I’ve known the girl since she was eight, when she used to chase after me and Grady on her pink banana seat bike. Even back then, she loved everything retro. Everything that went against the norm.
As hard and cold as I am, Kendall is fire and air. A mixture that has always confused me. Just seeing her, makes me feel like the floor beneath me is giving out. Like I’m gasping for air, and the only way to right myself, the only way to breathe, is to draw her to me and consume her.
But I know if I ever let myself get too close, it would be her who’d consume me.
“You came,” she says, grinning at me. “What do you think? Do you like it?”
“Yeah,” I say gruffly, wishing that primal part of my brain didn’t go all caveman whenever I was near her. She looks slightly hurt by my abrupt answer, so I add, “It’s great.”
Grady pulls her into a hug. “Proud of you, sis.”
It’s the way I should be with her. Easy. Carefree. Like she doesn’t have my insides wrapped up in a tightly wound ball, that is just seconds away from unraveling.
“Grady,” someone calls out, waving him over.
“I’ll be back,” he says, leaving me alone with his sister, Kendall.
She scoops two shots off a tray that passes by, offering me one.
“I have to drive,” I tell her.
She rolls her eyes. “You live two blocks away, Max. Have a few drinks with me tonight.” Then she gives me one of her mischievous grins. “I promise to walk you home if you’re worried about the neighborhood.”
I grunt, a rare smile tugging at my lips, before shooting back the tequila.
“You know you love me,” she teases, taking my empty glass and exchanging it for another.
She has no idea how close to the truth she is.

Frankie Love

Frankie Love writes filthy-sweet stories about bad boys and mountain men. As a thirty-something mom who is ridiculously in love with her own bearded hottie, she believes in
love-at-first-sight and happily-ever-afters. She also believes in the power of a quickie.

You can find her at FRANKIELOVE.NET or on FB.
Frankie also writes under the pen names CHARLIE HART.

C.M. Seabrook

Amazon bestselling author C.M. Seabrook writes hot, steamy romances with possessive bad boys, and the passionate, fiery women who love them. Swoonworthy romances from the heart!

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