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domingo, 1 de diciembre de 2013

Cover Reveal: Vampire's Fortune

Debo admitir que la portada es algo más frívola de lo que esperaba (véanse esos pantaloncitos que ahora dan más miedo que los piños de un vampiro sediento de sangre), pero me encantó la sinopsis cuando la leí. Una pitonisa acepta el encargo de un ricachón que le trae una daga para su lectura mágica. Y, claro, el arma en cuestión esconde secretos que desatarán una tormenta de criaturas y poderes malvados. Mola.

Vampire's Fortune  
Fortune Teller's Curse 
by Kara Ashley Dey

Expected publication: December 1st 2013 by Gonilu Press

When money strapped psychic Fiona Autumn encounters the rich and powerful Ulysses Anthony, his high-class charm (not to mention his accompanying envelope stuffed with cold hard cash) persuades Fiona to read an ancient dagger in his possession. Unfortunately, breaking the dagger’s seal awakens magic-wielding creatures hell-bent on revenge. Trapped in a dangerous partnership, Fiona realizes she has just unleashed an ancient rage that threatens all she holds dear--including her own life.

Author Bio:
I'm a writer who likes fantasy, speculative and paranormal fiction with romantic elements. I also enjoy interviewing multi-talented artists and writers to find out what 'makes them tick.' Sharing experiences is a really great way to learn about the world and ourselves. Plus, I'm a firm believer in rejoicing in other people's successes; it's free and it feels great.
Living in Houston with my darling husband has taught me about the blessings of great neighbors and Texas BBQ. My favorite critics are my two plump cats that purr their pleasure at most everything I write.

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